20070212: MaxMile Technologies introduces EpiEL
mapping system optimized for nitride-based LED applications
MaxMile Technologies, LLC at Lexington has recently introduced a
EpiEL mapping system (EpiEL-700) which is optimized for
nitride-based LED applications.
MaxMile EpiEL system is a virtual LED device fabrication &
characterization system which can be used to measure LED device
parameters directly on epiwafers. Without any costly and
time-consuming device fabrication, yet as through a finished device,
EpiEL reveals not only the electro-luminescence (EL) but also the
electrical properties of epitaxial material. The newly released
EpiEL-700 is optimized for rapid electroluminescence (EL) evaluation
for LED epiwafers with optically transparent substrates, such as
nitride-based LED on sapphire substrate. It has additional
capability for simulating different light extraction approaches.
EpiEL-700 can also be used to investigate the optical non-uniformity
of material structures which leads to different emission intensity
on both sides of epiwafers.
MaxMile also recently released an economic EpiEL solution
(EpiEL-QT) for rapid electroluminescence (EL) evaluation on LED
epiwafers. EpiEL-QT can be used to obtain EL spectra, LIV, output
characteristics, and wavelength & FWHM shift curves directly on LED
epiwafers. By probing the various points across the wafer, EpiEL-QT
can quickly determine the quality of the material within minutes.
Electroluminescence characterization is usually only carried
out after full device fabrication. Through temporally forming a LED
device in the material, MaxMile EpiEL mapping systems have the
capability to rapidly and nondestructively characterize the
electrical and optical properties of unprocessed epiwafers without
any costly and time-consuming device fabrication. MaxMile EpiEL
mapping systems can be used to:
Provide fast response for LED material development
Enable "fabless" LED material and CVD system development
Enable device-level quality control at early stage
Facilitate LED/LD research and development (R&D) with a powerful
MaxMile Technologies, LLC is a developer and manufacturer of
semiconductor test & measurement equipment, emphasizing on
nondestructive testing or evaluation (NDT or NDE).